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The Leadmill respond after offering £40 to volunteers to attend Sheffield rally to save venue
a rally titled ‘Battle For The Soul Of Sheffield’ will take place in the city as the venue continues its battle to survive.Last year, the venue’s future came under threat after the owners of the building issued them an eviction notice, sparking an outcry across the music industry and from gig-goers.The premises is owned by Electric Group, who bought the site’s freehold in 2017 and previously told music fans that they had no intention of closing the venue when they end the current occupiers’ lease in 2023.However, venue management then claimed they were being “exterminated by the landlord” before launching a fresh appeal to fans, asking for support after revealing that landlords were reportedly moving forward with eviction plans .Ahead of the rally next week, it has been revealed by BBC News that the venue have been offering £40 to ‘volunteers’ in exchange for their support in opposing the venue’s closure and to post on social media.Ahead of the rally, a spokesperson for The Leadmill said: “If we don’t stop this hostile takeover, the very soul and character of our great city is at risk.“This landlord is exploiting a legal loophole to evict and destroy a highly regarded, independent, Sheffield success story, forcing us to cease trading, all for profit. But it’s even worse than that.“It couldn’t be clearer.