Grimes and Elon Musk: Their Upsetting Online Conflict, Explained
, and their son Lil X, and why is it happening on Twitter? (We know Musk renamed Twitter to X, but since he also named his son X, we’ll be calling it Twitter for the sake of clarity). Over the past several months, Musk has brought his son Lil X along on various public appearances, including to a live presser in the . But Grimes, the mother of Lil X and two of Musk’s other children, has made it clear on social media that she does not want the four-year-old placed in the public eye in this way.Grimes, whose legal name is Claire Boucher, and Elon Musk began dating in 2018 and officially broke up in 2021, though their relationship remained “fluid” for a while after, according to her interview.