Matthews: Celebs Rumors


What's in a Name? For Kamala Harris, a Lot.

, but she also has a shot at defying science.The last few days have been a whirlwind for the Harris campaign—a campaign that technically only launched on Sunday and has already amassed more than in donations and secured the all-important endorsement of , which catapulted her into the pop-culture stratosphere. However, alongside that endorsement——Harris switched over her campaign X (formally Twitter) account to the handle "KamalaHQ." According to research, it's a move that could make or break her campaign."I kept seeing men referred to by just their last name, and equally famous, well-known, eminent women, not identified the same way," , an assistant professor studying behavioral science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told Glamour about what inspired her research, "," published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "I saw it in academia.

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