The Numbers reported.The animated comedy, which serves as the sequel to 2017’s “Despicable Me 3” and the sixth overall installment in the “Despicable Me” franchise, is slated to rake in $120 million at the end of the five-day holiday weekend, according to Deadline.The Universal and Illumination flick, where Steve Carell returns as the voice of Minions boss Gru, introduces the voices of Will Ferrell and Sofia Vergara this time around.“Inside Out 2” remained in second place, with sales of $10.6 million.
The Disney-Pixar flick just passed the $1 billion dollar mark in the worldwide box office, faster than any animated movie in history, according to The Hollywood Reporter.Landing in third was “A Quiet Place: Day One,” with just over $7 million in revenue.
The movie made its franchise’s history as the highest earning installment during its first weekend in theaters, according to Fox News.The slasher film “MaXXXine” took fourth, with a $3.185 million take.
The film, the third in director Ti West’s saga, is “darker, moodier and altogether nastier than its predecessors,” The New York Times said.
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