Airlines: Celebs Rumors


Mark Cuban drunkenly bought lifetime American Airlines flight pass for $125,000 — ‘and then I upgraded it’

“Club Shay Shay” podcast in an interview released last week.When the “Shark Tank” star sold his first company, a software startup called MicroSolutions, to CompuServe for $6 million, the freshly minted millionaire entrepreneur celebrated by getting sloshed with friends.“They’re like, ‘What do you think you’re going to do with all this money?’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t care about cars or houses, but boy, you know, I fly a lot for work,’ ” he recalled to Sharpe.Cuban called American Airlines while slurring his words and drunkenly asked if they offered a lifetime pass – they did.“I got all that information, hungover as hell, and I signed up. Initially, it was $125,000 and then I upgraded it.

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