county Spencer: Celebs Rumors


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Diana ‘wouldn’t have been good enough’ to Meghan if late princess were alive today: royal expert
The Daily Express reported that the couple have reputedly discussed “ditching their Windsor surname” and adopting the late Princess’s last name, Spencer, in a bid for a rebrand, according royal author Tom Bower.Now, Levin, who authored the book “Harry: A Biography of a Prince” in 2018, is calling the attempt a “load of nonsense” and alleged that Princess Diana “wouldn’t have been good enough” to Markle “if she was still alive.”“When something’s on the front pages about them, they come up with something else,” Levin claimed during an appearance on GB News this week.“So that they can, you know, divert the discussion… I think it’s nonsense, I think somebody’s just spreading something,” she continued.Princess Diana — who is the mother of Markle’s husband, Prince Harry, 38, — tragically passed away on August 31, 1997 after a high-speed car accident in Paris.Levin pointed out that Markle had never met the late Princess, but revealed that she has visited her grave before, referencing the moment that was described in Prince Harry’s tell-all memoir, “Spare.”Prince Harry wrote that the Duchess visited his mother’s gravesite on the 20th anniversary of Diana’s death. “She’s never seen Diana, she’s never known her,” Levin said. “She did lie flat and pray to her once when she went to visit her grave, but that’s about it.”The royal biographer even claimed that the late royal would not like her because she supported the monarchy.