PlayStation 4: Celebs Rumors


‘Bloodborne’ director knows how much people want a remake

Bloodborne has said in an interview that he knows how much people want a remake, but is unable to offer an update on the chance of that happening.Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer, FromSoftware boss Hidetaka Miyazaki noted the demand for a Bloodborne remake or remaster from fans.“Put simply, it makes me very happy to see it’s a title with a lot of specific memories, both for me and the staff who worked on it. And when we see those passionate voices in the community, of course it makes us feel thrilled, it makes us feel very fortunate to have that and to have those memories,” Miyazaki said in the interview.Miyazaki then moved onto discussing the circumstances in which a potential Bloodborne remake would be released.“I think having new hardware is definitely a part of what gives these remakes value.

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