Nicki Chapman, the former Pop Idol judge, has pledged to prioritise her health following a tumour scare five years ago. After being diagnosed with a brain tumour the size of a 'golf ball', she made a full recovery and is now determined to keep her health in 'good shape'.Speaking to Best Magazine, she said: "I'm all good.
It's been five years and I've just had a scan. Everything went my way. I am very grateful. I'm very lucky also that my tumour wasn't cancerous - but my health is good.
I try and stay as fit as I can. I am woman in my late 50s, so I have to look after myself."The first signs of her condition appeared in May 2019 when she began to experience slurred speech and blurred vision.
Discussing her condition in 2020, she revealed: "My symptoms were very sudden, over 24 hours. Initially doctors thought I'd had a stroke but scans revealed a golf-ball sized meningioma."She described the shock of diagnosis and the distress of informing loved ones as even more upsetting. "It's the initial shock of diagnosis and then the shock when you tell people that's even more distressing.
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