Selome Hailu Natasha Rothwell is developing a TV adaptation of “Who TF Did I Marry?,” a viral series posted to TikTok by Tareasa “Reesa Teesa” Johnson earlier this year.
Rothwell will executive produce the project in addition to starring as Johnson. In the TikToks, which span 50 separate videos adding up to more than eight hours in length, Johnson chronicles her relationship with her ex-husband, who she describes as a pathological liar.
The series has garnered more than 450 million impressions across social media and earned Johnson more than 3 million followers in a two-week period.
Among the details Johnson shared were that her ex-husband told her that he played football at San Diego State University despite never having attended the school, asked for money to pay for a funeral for his step-daughter who she later learned was still alive, and had a social insurance number that didn’t match the one on their marriage license.
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