Jeremy Kyle is currently defending his eponymous show, The Jeremy Kyle Show, in court as an inquest for the death of participant Steve Dymond goes on, who is believed to have taken his own life seven days after filming for The Jeremy Kyle Show in May 2019.
While Steve's episode was never aired, and the show was cancelled shortly after, an unaired clip has now been released and shown to the court.
Steve was on the show to take a lie detector and prove to his partner, Jane Callaghan, he hadn't cheated, and one unaired clip saw Jeremy said : "The truth of the matter is you, mate, you did make up a cacophony of lies, you can sit there looking upset, people could look at this and think it's dodgy." After sharing the result of the lie detector test, the presenter said: "The test says you are lying, pal, you failed every single question." A shocked Steve said: "I wasn't, I have never been unfaithful," as Jeremy replied: "The studio thought you were telling the truth, I wouldn't trust you with a chocolate button mate.
Another clip featured Jeremy saying: "Be a man, grow a pair of balls and tell her the goddam truth." He was also seen asking the audience "Has anyone got a shovel" while Steve explained, implying he was digging himself a further hole.
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