is named Jennifer Affleck. The new Hulu reality show follows a group of TikTok moms from Utah including Jennifer, 25, who is related to Ben Affleck through her husband, Zac Affleck, who also appears in the series.
Jennifer clarified her relation to the Oscar winner, 52, and his brother, Casey Affleck, in an exclusive interview with The Post. “Ben and Casey is Zac’s dad’s second cousin,” she explained.“So Zac’s dad has probably met him [Ben] once in his whole entire life.
But when I was dating him, he’s like, ‘Well now if you get married to me, you get to say you’re related to Ben Affleck.'”“It was kind of a joke, but also like, kind of real,” the influencer added.
Jennifer also revealed that it’s not a coincidence she shares the same first name (and technically the same last name, for now) as Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Lopez.“Also what’s crazy is I was named after J.Lo because my mom was obsessed with J.Lo,” she shared. “Jennifer Lynn Lopez, my name is Jennifer Lynn Affleck.
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