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Fox News’ Shannon Bream Is Writing Her Cable News Legacy One Bestseller at a Time
TheWrap: Congratulations on the success of your books. What do you think it is about your book series that especially resonates with readers and why?Shannon Bream: I think these stories from the Bible are filled with such optimism and hope, the truth that God is present in the midst of our suffering. Readers told me they were very comforted by that during the pandemic. People often express how surprised they are that these stories involving family squabbles, double-crossing, identity theft, heartbreak and sabotage are actually in Scripture. When they see that God can work through all of our messes, it reminds them that He is forgiving and wants to connect with each of us. Before you were promoted to “Fox News Sunday” anchor, did you have any trepidation about being the first woman ever to front the broadcast?I didn’t, simply because I look around and see strong, smart female journalists everywhere. It’s because of the perseverance and guts of women like Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer that there was never anything I thought I couldn’t do in the media world. What stories in particular as a journalist and anchor are you most passionate about?Let’s face it, I’m a legal nerd. My brain will probably always approach every story as an attorney.  It’s what I was trained to do. I’m fascinated by the Supreme Court and deeply grateful that I get to tell people what the Court’s sometimes very wonky decisions actually mean to their real lives. Any plans for future books besides this series and if so what kind of book would you be interested in writing?Since childhood, my favorite books have been fictional stories that allow you to disappear into a totally different world. I didn’t grow up with much materially, but I had a library
Bryan Singer Self-Financing New Documentary to Address Sexual Assault Claims (EXCLUSIVE)
Tatiana Siegel In October 2017, Bryan Singer appeared energetic and in control as he welcomed Olympic diver Greg Louganis and Queen guitarist Brian May on the London set of “Bohemian Rhapsody.” But behind the scenes, chaos reigned. The onetime Hollywood wunderkind’s career was about to unravel, as Fox executives were growing weary of Singer’s pro- longed absences and erratic behavior. On Dec. 4, Fox pulled the trigger and fired Singer, replacing him with Dexter Fletcher. As Louganis and May smiled for photos with the acclaimed director, it marked one of Singer’s last known days on a film set. Getting fired from “Bohemian Rhapsody” was a public humiliation for a filmmaker who had racked up hit after hit. But a series of personal scandals would dwarf that professional setback. Over the ensuing five and a half years, Singer tried to reenter the fray with an $80 million remake of ’80s action film “Red Sonja” for Millennium Films. Then a 2019 Atlantic exposé that detailed allegations that Singer sexually assaulted four men when they were underage derailed those plans. (Singer categorically denied ever having sex with, or a preference for, underage men.) Millennium CEO Avi Lerner initially stood by Singer, dubbing the report “agenda-driven fake news,” but dropped him when he couldn’t find a domestic distributor. Though the once in-demand helmer made studios billions thanks to four “X-Men” movies and “Superman Returns,” he had become persona non grata in the post-#MeToo landscape.