Courts: Celebs Rumors


‘The West Wing’ 25 Best Episodes, Ranked From Great to Perfect

Hunter Ingram Please read this as the compliment with which it is written: American politics have never felt cozier than in the halls of NBC’s “The West Wing.” Whereas most Americans today are rightfully cold and jaded about the democratic process, on Sept. 22, 1999, when Aaron Sorkin premiered his fast-talking take on the inner workings of the White House, there was a genuine curiosity about how government worked.

All news where Courts is mentioned
Run-DMC star Jam Master Jay’s godson and friend found guilty of his murder
Run DMC‘s Jam Master Jay have been convicted of his murder over two decades after it took place.The artist, whose real name was Jason Mizell, was shot in the head at the age of 37 in Queens in 2002.Karl Jordan Jr and Ronald Washington targeted the artist at his recording studio in New York after they were cut out of a drug deal allegedly said to be worth $200,000, the court heard. They were first charged with murder back in 2020 and had initially plead not guilty.Jordan and Washington now face at least 20 years in prison.The murder trial began on January 30, with the court hearing that the Run-DMC legend’s killing was motivated by greed and revenge related to a drug deal row.An eyewitness who was at the scene of the shooting also appeared in court during the trial, identifying a suspect and recalling the Run-DMC star’s last moments.Jordan and Washington’s defence lawyer had notably invoked Harry Potter in the closing statements of the trial last week.As reported by Courthouse News, Jordan and Washington’s defence attorneys have pointed to evidence that they claim implies a third person as a suspect in Mizell’s murder, Jay Bryant.According to the prosecutors’ argument, Bryant was present simply to let Jordan and Washington into the building on the day of the murder before leaving.
‘Can I Tell You A Secret’: where is Matthew Hardy now?
Netflix documentary Can I Tell You A Secret? explores the crimes of serial cyberstalker Matthew Hardy.Based on a true crime podcast of the same name, the miniseries follows some of the women targeted by Hardy and the police investigation which led to him receiving the longest custodial sentence in British history for stalking online.Hardy is believed to have stalked at least 62 victims over 11 years by creating fake social media accounts, before he was finally convicted in 2022.In January 2022, Hardy was sentenced to nine years in prison after he pleaded guilty to three counts of stalking with intent to cause alarm or distress, two counts of stalking without intent to cause alarm, and breaching a restraining order from 2013. He also admitted to stalking four further women at the time.In October of the same year, Hardy’s sentence was reduced to eight years in the court of appeal, after it was agreed that the original sentence was too high.According to his lawyer Sara Haque, the original sentence failed to take into account Hardy’s mental disorders, including Asperger’s and autism, which apparently caused him to have a lack of empathy for those impacted by his actions.His sentence was also reduced due to a change in the law in April 2017 for stalking offences, which the judge had failed to take into account.Hardy is still in prison at the time of writing (February 2024).