Kate Shindle: Celebs Rumors


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LA strippers petition to be represented by Actors’ Equity union
Los Angeles area topless bar where a group of exotic dancers have filed paperwork attempting to unionize.On Thursday, the majority of the 30 strippers employed at Star Garden Topless Dive Bar in North Hollywood, California filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board for a vote to be represented by the Actors’ Equity Association, Deadline reported.If the employees are successful and election results are certified by the board, they would become the first strippers in the United States to be represented by a union, according to Deadline.Actors’ Equity is a national labor union that speaks for more than 51,00 actors and stage managers working in live theater.“Strippers are live entertainers, and while some aspects of their job are unique, they have much in common with other Equity members who dance for a living,” Actors’ Equity President Kate Shindle told Deadline.  “In my conversations with them, these dancers reported consistent compensation issues — including significant wage theft — along with health and safety risks and violations. They want health insurance and other benefits, like workers’ compensation.”Shindle added that the dancers “need protection from sexual harassment, discrimination and unjust terminations.”“We applaud their efforts to seize their collective power and unionize, like so many others across the country who are fed up with toxic workplaces,” Shindle said.