Refugees: Celebs Rumors


‘Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 2’ Review: Kevin Costner’s Ambitious Western Project Frustrates Once Again

Jessica Kiang There’s an enormous amount to describe, but very little to actually say about Kevin Costner‘s bedraggled “Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 2,” the second of a planned four installments in his sprawling, multistranded western, that plays, after “Chapter 1″‘s muted reception in Cannes, out of competition on the final day of Venice. Doubling down on the first chapter’s intermittent triumphs but also on its grievous structural issues, it is an exercise in contradictions: incident-packed yet oddly sedate; replete with characters new and returning, yet largely lacking in compelling characterization; and, running to over three hours, simply too long a film to be so jarringly abrupt.

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