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Phoebe Bridgers appears in court to request dismissal of defamation lawsuit
Phoebe Bridgers appeared in court in LA yesterday to try to convince a judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought against her by sound engineer Chris Nelson last year.Nelson sued Bridgers last September claiming that, in October 2020, the musician posted and promoted various defamatory statements against him on Instagram. In her post, Bridgers made a number of allegations of abuse and misconduct against Nelson, as well as directing her followers to his ex-girlfriend’s account on the social platform where further allegations had been made – including that he had murdered a man in a racially motivated attack.In his lawsuit, Nelson claims that Bridgers “intentionally used her high-profile public platform on Instagram to publish false and defamatory statements … in order to destroy his reputation”.But she says that she believes the statements she made were true, insisting that they were based on “my personal knowledge, including statements I personally heard Mr Nelson make, as well as my own observations”.Bridgers is trying to have the defamation lawsuit dismissed by citing anti-SLAPP rules, those being rules designed to stop people limiting the free speech of others through unwarranted litigation.Although no ruling on the matter was made, Judge Curtis Kin said that he was inclined to grant Bridgers’ motion to dismiss yesterday, according to Courthouse News, adding: “It seems like a he said/she said issue.