George Clooney: Celebs Rumors


‘The Beast Within’ Review: Kit Harington Gets Hairy (and Bare) in a Handsome English Werewolf Thriller

Dennis Harvey Film Critic Beauty makes more of an impression than the titular creature in “The Beast Within.” Documentarian Alexander J. Farrell’s first narrative feature is a handsomely crafted, modestly scaled affair that benefits from being shot largely around the historic Harewood Woods and Castle in West Yorkshire.

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Celebs and Hollywood power players are turning on Joe Biden after George Clooney ditched him: sources
millions of dollars and crucial A-list supportthey rely on.Tinseltown is arguably the most important and influential Democratic stronghold in the country, but The Post can reveal thefury behind the scenes as a wealth of power players and A-listers feel they have been conned into raising cash for ailing President Biden’s re-election without being told the true extent of his decline.Not only are people moving their money and putting their funding into congressional races, but the Biden campaign is struggling to find ‘surrogates’; celebrity supporters to stump for the President, according to well-placed sources.Biden has so far received no public support from big hitters such as Beyoncé,Jay-Z and Taylor Swift, who all endorsed his 2020 campaign.“You really do need the celebrity factor, you need Hollywood,” said one former Obama campaign staffer, “That’s how we get the youth vote. It’s not Joe who gets the 18-29 year olds to come out to vote.”When asked whether the Hollywood ‘cool girls’, like influential actress and producer ReeseWitherspoon, will join the campaign, one top industry insider was doubtful.