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Conan O’Brien told Danny Masterson ‘you’ll be caught soon’ in resurfaced 2004 clip after 30-year rape sentence
sentenced to 30 years in prison Thursday for raping two women at the height of his fame two decades ago.During a 2004 appearance on “Late Night With Conan O’Brien,” Masterson discussed his Long Island accent — or lack thereof — with O’Brien.After telling the host that he’s lived in Los Angeles for about a decade, Masterson said that his accent “just goes away naturally, and then there’s also certain words that there’s nothing you can do about.” He then said that his friend, actor Bodhi Elfman, “always teases me.” Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years to life for raping 2 women….Conan knew“He says ‘Hi, my name is Danny Masterson, would you like to touch my balls?'” Masterson said, emphasizing the final word in a heavy accent.“So why are you asking people to do that? That’s the more important question,” O’Brien responded.“I mean, you got ’em, you know what I mean? Everybody should grab,” Masterson replied.“I’ve heard about you,” O’Brien responded. “And you’ll be caught soon, I know you will.”“I will,” Masterson said.The clip gained traction on social media in the wake of Masterson’s sentencing on Thursday.The actor, 47, remained stonefaced as Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo handed down the sentence and as his two victims described the trauma they had experienced at his hands.He was sentenced to 15 years for each count, which will be served consecutively, the maximum sentence permitted under the law.“When you raped me, you stole from me,” one of the women testified in court, looking directly at the actor.