A retirement housing complex in East Kilbride has been transferred to new ownership.St Andrew’s Court in Greenhills is one of three Scottish developments to have been purchased by Trust Housing Association from previous landlord Methodist Homes.It means tenants in the 33 properties plus two staff members will now transfer to Trust, with the company saying it will “support investment and provide certainty”.The Lanarkshire Live app is available to download now.
Get all the news from your area – as well as features, entertainment, sport and the latest on Lanarkshire’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic – straight to your fingertips, 24/7.The free download features the latest breaking news and exclusive stories, and allows you to customise your page to the sections that matter most to you.Head to the App Store and never miss a beat in Lanarkshire - iOS - Android The East Kilbride development has been sold along with two others owned by Methodist Homes in Glasgow and Edinburgh in a £3.8 million acquisition which was 50 per cent funded by the Scottish Government and the two city councils.
Housing association Trust, which has an office at Kirk Road in Wishaw, says the moved “brings 101 private rented homes into the social rented sector and secures a sustainable future for the three developments, located close to communities [we] already serve”.
Trust added in a statement: “Methodist Homes are an English-based landlord and the organisation had been looking for a buyer who could secure a sustainable future for the developments.“As Methodist Homes are not a registered social landlord in Scotland the customers were classed as private sector tenants with private rented tenancies – [now] the tenancies automatically become
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