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NIVF announces relaunch of Emergency Relief Fund
coronavirus pandemic.The relief fund will now cover additional unforeseeable events, including natural disasters, “the lasting effects of COVID-19”, and potential future pandemics.“These venues and promoters contribute in immeasurable ways to the vibrancy of the nation’s diverse communities and economy,” said Lisa Gedgaudas, co-chair of the NIVF ERF committee and program manager, Cultural Affairs Arts & Venues with the city of Denver.“While NIVF’s ERF is limited in resources compared to the federal funding we have seen, it is our social responsibility to have this program in place to help represent our independent contributors that are hardest hit and facing severe and catastrophic emergencies beyond their control.The National Independent Venue Foundation (NIVF), a 501(c)(3) organization, would like to announce the relaunch of its Emergency Relief Fund.— NIVA | #SaveOurStages (@nivassoc) January 20, 2022“From pandemics to fire and floods, the new evolution of the ERF program stands in preparation for a stronger recovery in the face of various climate emergencies that may continue to impact independent venues in our communities over time.”The ERF has awarded a total of $3,170,000 to entities in 40 states, made up of $2,800,000 to 148 independent venues and $370,000 to 18 independent promoters, using funds sources from thousands of individuals around the country as well as corporate and institutional partners.More detailed information about the fund, including a link for those that wish to apply or donate, can be found at the NIVF’s Emergency Relief Fund website.