Callander residents are being invited to a series of community engagement sessions to discuss updates on the flood protection scheme and surface water management plan.The flooding team at Stirling Council are conducting a six-week engagement programme with local people, ending on October 14.A long list of options around flood mitigation has been considered and appraised and a shortlist has now been drawn up.Capital funding has been secured to take the shortlist to a preferred option stage, ready to take forward should future funding become available for the project.Officers are also keen to visit residents who have been affected by flooding to inform, as much as possible, a surface water management plan.
It will explore ways to address surface water flooding from sources like sewers, drains and runoff due to heavy rainfall. To arrange a visit, email in events at Callander Library are being hosted to discuss the flood protection scheme and the surface water management plan on the following dates: Thursday, September 10, 10am-1pm; September 18, 10am-1pm; and September 26, 2pm-7pm.
Click here for more news and sport from the Stirling area. There will also be an online engagement event to discuss the flood protection scheme.
It will be hosted on Microsoft Teams at 7pm on October 3. Residents interested in taking part are asked to register by emailing before September 27.The project team will also attend the Callander Community Council meeting on September 16 and the Callander Flood Group meeting on October 7.In recent years, heavy downpours have caused issues for residents, including closing roads and flooding car parks and impacting areas around community buildings –
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