Patrick Frater Asia Bureau Chief BTS members RM and Jung Kook are both set to launch feature-length documentary films within the next month. “RM: Right People, Wrong Place,” directed by Lee Seok-joon and distributed by CJ 4DPLEX,will have its debut at October’s Busan International Film Festival.
The film “tells the story of the production of [RM’s] second solo album, ‘Right Place, Wrong Person’, which was released in May.
The film adds meaning as a record of BTS’ leader RM, solo artist RM, and human Kim Namjoon as a self-exploration while also embodying the sensual cinematography that was well received in the music video of his solo album, giving the impression of watching an art film,” said CJ 4DPLEX in a statement.
Director Lee was previously involved in the production of the music videos for “Arson” and “MORE,” the double title track of BTS’ J-Hope’s solo album “Jack in the Box.” The film will have an open-air screening at Busan (Oct.
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