BBC Radio 2 has offered clarity on the future of Zoe Ball amidst her unexpected absence from her morning breakfast show. The 53 year old has not been on air since August 8, leaving Scott Mills and Gaby Roslin to step in.Despite only returning from a lengthy break four days before her last appearance, listeners were again left without Ball's company for the past five weeks.
On August 12, standing in for Zoe, Scott Mills shared with the audience: "If you've just put us on this morning, it's Scott Mills in for Zoe for the next few weeks.
I'm sending you all my love Zo' as are the team."Rumours have since swirled about whether Ball would make a comeback, prompting the BBC to respond to mounting fan speculation.
A Radio 2 spokesperson confirmed "Zoe will return to the Radio 2 Breakfast Show later this month." Nonetheless, online chatter has continued as Zoe is set to be away for at least another week.
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