Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, the sixth installment in the Wallace & Gromit stop-motion franchise from Aardman Animations, is set to world premiere on the closing day of AFI Fest, screening at the TCL Chinese Theatre, as part of the festival’s Red Carpet Premieres section, on October 27.
The premiere comes ahead of the film’s global Netflix debut, outside of the UK, which will take place this winter. In this next installment of Wallace & Gromit, from returning directors Nick Park and Merlin Crossingham, beagle Gromit’s concern that his owner Wallace is becoming too dependent on his inventions proves justified, when Wallace invents a “smart” gnome that seems to develop a mind of its own.
When it emerges that a vengeful figure from the past might be masterminding things, it falls to Gromit to battle sinister forces and save his master… or Wallace may never be able to invent again.
In a statement on the animated adventure’s AFI selection, directors Park and Crossingham said, “We are delighted that our film will have its world premiere at AFI FEST in LA’s iconic Chinese Theatre.
Read more on deadline.com
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