Alissa Simon Film Critic Drama “Happy Holidays” marks the long in the works solo directing debut of Palestinian director Scandar Copti, an Oscar nominee as co-director of “Ajami” (2009).
Launching with prime slots in Venice Horizons and TIFF Centrepiece, the film follows an extended family of Palestinian citizens of Israel living in Haifa, allowing viewers to experience firsthand how cultural and societal perceptions are shaped.
Moreover, it also showcases the effectiveness of his “singular drama” method, a process for working with actors that he developed while filming “Ajami.” Copti says his artistic process always starts with a personal annoyance.
The spark for “Happy Holidays” grew from a conversation he overheard as a teenager. He recalls, “A female relative of mine told her son, ‘Don’t ever let a woman tell you what to do,’ referring to his wife.
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