Kambole Campbell Paris-based, independent animation house Millimages is a tenured staple of children’s entertainment, known for popular animated series like the multi-award-nominated “Molang” and the preschool series “Mouk.” Their newest series, “Bin Buddies,” has been announced as part of the official selection at this month’s upcoming Cartoon Forum, taking place in Toulouse over Sept.
16-19. As well as being a part of Cartoon Forum, the series will also feature at Mipcom in Cannes the following month. The series looks to carry the spirit of the label’s previous successes through its focus on ordinary, everyday life (but with a touch more color). “Bin Buddies” is noted as being “the first upper preschool CG animated series to place bin men in a starring role” – a rather refreshing change of pace for children’s shows surrounding a fantastical depiction of blue-collar work.
Created by Fabrice Ravier and set for 52 seven-minute episodes, “Bin Buddies” works in deliberate contrast to other popular contemporaries in kid’s animation, and producer Bonnie Lener proudly underlines that aspect. “I was immediately attracted to the potential of ‘Bin Buddies’ because it is not your typical rescue or vehicle show that turns a regular job into some sort of fantasy superhero scenario,” Lener explained. “Instead, it takes an ordinary (but somewhat overlooked) everyday job and shows its value to the community through fun and adventurous stories.
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