Lily Allen has shared her thoughts on "edgy" party games, and revealed the moment when she was left with seriously bruised feelings after her family branded her as "selfish." The singer and actress told how one particular game, called Bad People, asks players to nominate which other person in the room would behave worst in a given scenario.
Discussing family holiday dramas, polyamory and the Oasis ticket controversy with pal Miquita Oliver on their Miss Me? podcast, Lily recalled that with she part of a large group from her blended family, with her mum and several cousins from her dad's side.
She explained: "It was nice until we played this f*****g game, which is called Bad People. "The premise of the game is that you pull out a card that says, for example, out of the group of all of you that are playing this game together, which one of you is like the least likely to donate to a children with cancer charity or something and then everyone write down who they think it is." There's a warning on the game box that it can lead to arguments, Lily points out, and it definitely did in this case: "It was my round.
I was calling it out and the question was 'Out of everybody here, who would be the person to save themselves first from a burning building? "To my f*****g strong shock and surprise, everybody literally for one person, which might even have been my mum, said me." A mortally offended Lily took herself off to her room, where, she recalls, one by one the other members of the family group came up to apologise, explaining that they thought she would be thick-skinned enough to shrug off the insult.
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