The Duffer Brothers‘ upcoming Netflix supernatural mystery The Boroughs, created by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews, has added 6 to its cast: Alfred Molina (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Geena Davis (Thelma & Louise), Alfre Woodard (Clemency), Denis O’Hare (American Horror Story), Clarke Peters (Da 5 Bloods) and Bill Pullman (The Sinner).
Molina will play Sam; Davis will play Renee; Woodard will play Judy; O’Hare will play Wally; Peters will play Art; and Pullman will play Jack.
Netflix also announced today that Ben Taylor (Sex Education) has come aboard to exec produce and direct multiple installments of the eight-episode drama, including the pilot.
Created by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance), who also serve as showrunners, The Boroughs is set in a seemingly picturesque retirement community where a group of unlikely heroes must band together to stop an otherworldly threat from stealing the one thing they don’t have… time.
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