after he broke off their engagement in a 15-minute phone call. Tran, 26, went off on Strader, 28, and called him out for following “The Bachelor” alum Maria Georgas on Instagram the day after their split.“What I can’t understand is everything that you did after we’ve broken our engagement,” said Tran. “Ending the engagement on a phone call, and the next day, I wake up to you following girls on Instagram— not just any girl, but Maria [Georgas],” she continued. “Not only is that so disrespectful to everything that we had shared together, I just don’t understand it.”“Why you would do something like that?” Tran asked Strader. “Because it completely invalidated our entire relationship, everything that I had felt for you, everything that we’d felt for each other.”Tran and Georgas, 30, were both on Joey Graziadei’s season of “The Bachelor” that aired earlier this year.
Georgas, who came in fourth place, confirmed on “Call Her Daddy” that she turned down being the next “Bachelorette,” so the gig went to Tran who became the first Asian-American “Bachelorette.”“Obviously I failed you,” Strader told Tran after she lashed out at him.“And there’s nothing I can say other than that,” he added. “But, everything I felt for you was real.”Tran then delivered more harsh words to her ex: “I hope that you learn that the weight of your words matter, and that if you’re going to promise something, you should be able to fulfill those promises,” she said. “I simply couldn’t have done what you have done in that position,” the PA student went on.
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