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Ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Slams Tucker Carlson, Brian Stelter and Everyone in Between
stepped down as Twitter CEO in November, clapped back at a Monday tweet from CNN media analyst Brian Stelter, who had amplified criticism of Fox News host Tucker Carlson for “selling doubt.”Dorsey’s response to Stelter: “And you are selling hope?”.@jack defending @TuckerCarlson: a user characterized Dorsey’s response as “defending” Tucker Carlson, he tweeted again: “not defending anything. holding up a mirror.”Ever terse, @Jack condensed the rest of his commentary on the topic to a single-word response to a user who suggested that all media — not just one side or the other — are complicit in sowing fear and doubt.“I thought [Dorsey’s] point was that the press does the same thing, sowing doubt to promote white supremacy and get engagement, often amplifying bad takes, but now I’m not sure anymore.”“Yes” he replied.I thought his point was that the press does the same thing, sowing doubt to promote white supremacy and get engagement, often amplifying bad takes, but now I'm not sure anymoreDorsey did tweet several other replies that skewed critical of the media and social platforms, including Twitter itself, and CNN’s coverage of the riots in Ferguson, Mo., where Dorsey said the network’s journalists tried to “create content and film it.”I know this from being on the streets of Ferguson during the protests and watching them try to create conflict and film it causing the protestors to chant “fuck CNN”Not that any of this should come as much of a surprise.Dorsey’s leanings on media and politics have proved challenging to divine — he’s always come across as an equal-opportunity disapprover.