“Selling Sunset” Season 8, the 33-year-old delivers some heartbreaking news to co-star and frenemy Chelsea Lazkani about her now estranged husband, Jeff Lazkani.“I don’t know how the f – – k this is supposed to come out of my mouth right now,” Tiesi said in a clip first obtained by People Wednesday.
While the girls are seated at a bar, the reality star takes a long pause before dropping a bomb.“A friend I’ve known for a couple of years, Amanda, asked to go to lunch.
She told me that her friend, who she’s still very close with and sees, lives at the W Hotel in Hollywood, and that he saw your husband with some girl …” she told the 31-year-old.Tiesi then revealed that her friend “pulled up receipts” while they were at lunch, which led Lazkani to ask, “What did the messages say?”“It said that he saw them making out in the lobby,” Tiesi responded before Lazkani cut her off to exclaim, “Making out in the lobby.”Tiesi nodded in agreement before saying, “He’s seen them multiple times.” When Lazkani asked Tiesi if she trusted her friend, Tiesi answered yes but didn’t consider her a “best friend.” “I just wanted to come to you woman to woman because I’ve been here.
I was married, my husband was doing the same thing with multiple women,” Tiesi told the Oppenheim agent, referring to her ex-husband Johnny Manziel.The agent noted, “I know you don’t necessarily care for me, but I wouldn’t wish this on you or anyone ever.
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