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‘tick, tick…BOOM’ Review: Monumental Immersion
tick, tick…BOOM! (★★★★☆), the brilliant, semi-autobiographical, nineties rock musical the composer debuted as a self-performed monologue around the time he started working on RENT.Licking his wounds following the failure to launch Superbia, the musical he hoped would be his masterpiece, Larson bared his longing, self-doubt, ambition, and anger in a boldly firsthand account of an ambitious composer hellbent on mounting his masterpiece Superbia before he turns 30.In the show, reworked from Larson’s original monologue into a stage musical for a three-person cast, the clock is ticking for Jon, who’s prepping for a Superbia workshop performance that could change his life. Or, it could augur the end of his theater composing career before it’s truly begun.As he sings in the show’s opening number “30/90,” the clock is ticking for every Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, time inexorably racing ahead of their dreams, faster than they can keep up with bills and obligations.Fearing failure, and, whether motivated by a sense of his own mortality or just propelled by ego, Jon’s drive to create something great, and taste the spoils of his labor, feels especially urgent in Christian Montgomery’s impassioned performance.Urgency might be a calling card for four-time Helen Hayes Award nominee Montgomery, who’s distinguished himself on D.C.