Blue’ s Antony Costa attends the 5th anniversary gala of "Mamma Mia! The Party" at The O2 Arena.This comes after the singer was hailed as a "Greek god" on Wednesday's episode of Loose Women.The 43 year old pop star joined ABBA legend Bjorn Ulvaeus to chat about his role as Nikos in Mamma Mia!
The Party at the O2. Bjorn couldn't help but praise Antony, saying: "He is Nikos! He's lost some weight he looks like a Greek God, doesn't he?” Antony, clearly chuffed with the compliment, thanked Bjorn while Charlene White quipped: "If I say it, I'll get into trouble so I'm glad you've said it, Bjorn!” Discussing their experience at the show, Janet Street-Porter humorously expressed her concern for Antony's safety around the women, to which Bjorn added: "Especially now he's lost the weight!” Antony shared a recent incident where a woman got a bit too excited during a scene, making suggestive noises while filming him on her phone.
Despite the craziness, Antony insisted: "I'm trying to stay in character! You know, it's crazy but it is a party. It is so amazing." Brenda Edwards asked Antony how it felt to audition for the role in front of the ABBA star.
Antony revealed that he had seen the show before and was asked by the director if he wanted to be part of it. However, he insisted on going through the usual audition process.
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