Cruise: Celebs Rumors


Johnny Depp beat Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks for 'beautiful' role in 'Edward Scissorhands'

As one of Hollywood's most highly sought actors, Johnny Depp is no stranger to competition. In Tara Wood's upcoming, untitled documentary, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" star and famed director Tim Burton open up about what led to Depp landing his role as Edward Scissorhands in the 1990 fantasy film and reveal the other A-list stars who were considered for the part. "[Tom Cruise] was not far away from actually playing Edward Scissorhands — true story," Depp said in the documentary, according to People.

All news where Cruise is mentioned
Scientologists fought Tom Cruise prank at ‘Mission: Impossible’ premiere: report
“Mission: Impossible III” to prevent a college prankster from flying “insulting” airplane banners aimed at Tom Cruise and his controversial religion.Documents passed down from a reportedly former top Scientology executive to the Daily Mail include a letter from the church’s “Watchdog Committee” from its “Office of Special Affairs,” ordering someone named “Linda” and the church’s “Director/Commanding Officer in the Office of Special Affairs, International Division” to “find out everything you can about them and let me know at once.”The documents, published Thursday, claim that Stephen “Josh” Schofield, a then-21-year-old University of Central Florida student, raised about $3,500 on the online forum to “sabotage” the movie’s May 4, 2006, premiere at Grauman’s (now TCL) Chinese Theatre.Schofield had hired two airplanes to fly over the theater with banners reading: “The baby belongs to Xenu” — referring to Cruise and his then-partner Katie Holmes’ newborn daughter Suri — and “Hail Xenu (Heart) OT [Off Topic].”Xenu refers to the “galactic overlord” in Scientology’s mythology. Scientology’s chief spokesperson Karin Pouw told the Daily Mail that she had no knowledge of the incident and could not locate any documents.