Fox: Celebs Rumors


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Julia Fox rescinds comment about Kanye West being “harmless”
Kanye West, was “harmless”.Last Thursday (March 17), the actress was approached by TMZ to weigh in on an animated video for West’s recent single ‘Eazy’ – a collaborative effort with The Game, released back in January – which shows a caricature of West kidnapping and brutalising Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson (who is currently dating West’s ex-wife, Kim Kardashian).Asked if she thinks Kardashian and Davidson should be worried about their safety, Fox – who briefly dated West earlier this year – responded: “No, Kanye’s harmless!” She dismissed the violent scenes in West’s video as “artistic expression”, and although she agreed that his behaviour comes off as “aggressive”, Fox said the rapper’s perceived threats are “nothing more than talk”.“I think if it really came down to it,” she continued, “I don’t think Kanye would hurt a fly.”Fox’s comments proved controversial on social media, with some responders opining that she’d been dismissive of West’s perceived harassment towards Kardashian and Davidson. According to TMZ, Fox has now addressed that criticism in a post briefly made available on Instagram, claiming she was unaware of West’s recent attacks on Davidson, Kardashian and their supporters through his own social media pages.“I would like to point out that I had not seen the latest Instagram posts at the time of this video,” Fox is said to have written in her post.