Matt Damon plays David Beckham’s long-lost twin brother in Stella Artois’ Super Bowl 2025 ad
When the door opens, Matt Damon, 54, shakes the soccer player’s hand while introducing himself as Dave Beckham.“No way,” Beckham, 49, says under his breath before Damon invites him in for buffalo wings and beer.When offered a wing, Beckham asks Damon if he eats buffalo, to which Damon replies, “No, it’s just chicken. It was invented in Buffalo, the city.”“So it’s not buffalo?” Beckham questions, taking a jab at the Buffalo Bills’ loss to the Kansas City Chiefs in the conference championship.Beckham then discovers that the two men are indeed related — only because of Damon’s athletic skills.Someone at the barbecue tosses Damon a football and he kicks it into the air with a thunderous sound effect.“It’s just something I do,” Damon quips.Beckham then asks Damon if he drinks Stella.