Kylie Jenner, the ultimate glam queen, isn't shy about flaunting luxury labels and is often snapped with designer handbags from Hermes to Miu Miu and Chanel.
Imagine our surprise when we clocked her with a lush but much more affordable Kurt Geiger handbag. We've been on the hunt for how you can scoop one up for yourself.
Coming in at £269 from Fenwick, this Kurt Geiger Kensington Drench Bag is now Kylie-approved, and we're betting it'll fly off shelves.
It's incredibly chic with its signature sparkly eagle head and lush black quilted vibe, matched with a sleek chain strap. Not just fashionable, it's also roomy enough for your mobile, lipstick, and all you need out and about, reports the Mirror.
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