HCA: Celebs Rumors


Critics Choice Association, Hollywood Creative Alliance Settle Their Legal Dispute and Agree to Work Together

Michael Schneider Variety Editor at Large The Hollywood Creative Alliance has ended its defamation lawsuit against the Critics Choice Association, as both sides announced Friday that they had reached an “amicable agreement.” In a joint announcement between CCA CEO Joey Berlin and HCA CEO Scott Menzel, the two sides said that the Critics Choice Association will once again allow its members to also be a part of the Hollywood Creative Alliance. Also, Berlin has joined HCA’s advisory committee to “provide guidance on the best practices in awards show production and not-for-profit organization management,” and HCA has agreed to advise CCA on “best accessibility practices at its events.” In January, the Hollywood Creative Alliance (which was formerly known as Hollywood Critics Association) sued the Critics Choice Association after that org told its members that they had to resign from the HCA in order to stay members of the CCA.

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