Simon Leviev: Celebs Rumors


All news where Simon Leviev is mentioned
Netflix's The Most Hated Man on the Internet Is the Next Tinder Swindler
Don't F**k With Cats, built the site from the ground up in the late-2000s—and what began as a niche gag on the “scene” circuit rapidly mutated into something all the more insidious.Like The Tinder Swindler, The Most Hated Man on the Internet chronicles from start to finish the rise and spectacularly satisfying fall of Moore, who ended up behind bars after an unlikely band of allies came together to end his terrible misdeeds. Nude photos of hundreds of women, often privately shared and leaked or stolen by hackers, were shared on Moore's site circa 2010, with the comment sections a cesspit of anonymous depravity—not unlike the sort of shit you'll find on 4chan and Reddit today. Indeed, if “incel" was a part of the common lexicon a decade ago, IsAnyoneUp might be considered a breeding ground.Per the official logline, the series follows one story in particular: that of a “persistent mother…determined to remove her daughter's photos [from the site],” launching a vociferous online campaign to take down IsAnyoneUp for good.The official synopsis promises “poignant, exclusive interviews with multiple women and men who fought to have their images taken down, law enforcement agents who worked the case and the crusaders who fought to take Moore down,” documenting his “comeuppance at the hands of the only force more fearsome than an army of internet trolls: a mother protecting her daughter.”Consider this your reminder that men as bad as a.k.a.
Jada Pinkett Smith teases dramatic new ‘Red Table Talk’ after slap debacle
The new trailer teased many celebrity guests invited to the red table, including Janelle Monáe, who will be on the season premiere.Monáe is expected to open up about her coming out at the age of 32 as well as her father’s drug addiction and will be joined by her mom, Janet Hawthorne.“I’m super honored to be here,” Monáe said.Another mother-daughter pair coming to the red table will be Kim Basinger and Ireland Baldwin. “I went through a very heavy-duty, out loud, when you’re in the public divorce,” Basinger says of her split from Alec Baldwin in the trailer, which will mark her first interview in over a decade.The preview shows Ireland opening up about her anxiety and the “different kinds of abuse” she’s been through.The mother of Miss USA Cheslie Kryst will also make an appearance at the red table to talk about her daughter, who died by suicide in January. “I walked through the door and just collapsed in my son’s arms,” the heartbroken mother says in the video.There will be a special episode dedicated to the victims of fraudsters, including Ayleen Charlotte, who was deceived by Netflix’s “Tinder Swindler” Simon Leviev, and Rachel DeLoache Williams, author of “My Friend Anna,” the tell-all about Anna Delvey.
‘The Tinder Swindler’ sued by actual Leviev family over impersonation
Netflix’s The Tinder Swindler, is facing a lawsuit from the real Leviev family which he pretended to be a part of.In court documents obtained by People, Israeli Russian diamond tycoon Lev Leviev and his family have filed a lawsuit against Hayut for allegedly impersonating them and “receiving numerous benefits (including material ones)” for using the family name.The lawsuit, filed in Tel Aviv, claims that Hayut has been “cunningly using false words, claiming to be a member of the Leviev family, and that his family will pay and bear the cost of his benefits”.The court documents allege that Hayut “defrauded, cheated, conned, falsified, and hurt women, men and businesses” all over the globe.“The defendant used the dating application Tinder to locate women who he then emotionally manipulated, cunningly bamboozled of funds, and eventually convinced to transfer large sums of money to him under the guise of being on the run from individuals intending on hurting him,” the lawsuit reads.Guy Ophir, the attorney for the Leviev family, has said this is “only the beginning” of their legal action against Hayut, with more lawsuits in the works.In a statement to, a representative for Hayut denied any wrongdoing. “Simon believes the family is just trying to insert themselves in the narrative for publicity after the show’s success.“Simon also legally changed his name in 2015 and looks forward to this getting thrown out in court.”Hayut is estimated to have allegedly stolen $10million (£7.4million) from a number of victims under the alias of Simon Leviev, after gaining their trust with the promise of expensive dates.Since the Netflix series aired, Hayut has been banned from Tinder, Hinge and other dating apps.
‘The Tinder Swindler’ subject says women “weren’t conned or threatened”
The Tinder Swindler subject Shimon Hayut has said the women in the Netflix documentary “weren’t conned”.Hayut, who also went by the alias Simon Leviev in the recent film, recently spoke to Inside Edition about the allegations levelled against him by several women who met him on Tinder.The first part of the interview aired yesterday (February 21) with a second part due to be released today (February 22), also featuring Hayut’s girlfriend Kate Konlin.“I’m not this monster,” Hayut said of the claims of The Tinder Swindler. “I was just a single guy that wanted to meet some girls on Tinder.”The Netflix documentary alleges that Hayut convinced women he was the son and heir of diamond mogul Lev Leviev, before reportedly conning them out of millions of dollars.“They weren’t conned and they weren’t threatened,” Hayut said of the women featured in the doc, and said of the claims he was the son of Leviev: “No I am not, and I never presented myself [as such].”He went on to say he didn’t “feel bad” for the women who accused him as the allegatiosn were false, and said he is “a legit businessman” in terms of justifying his current lavish lifestyle.Hayut added: “I want to clear my name, I want to say to the world, this is not true.”Victims Cecilie Fjellhøy, Ayleen Koeleman and Pernilla Sjoholm recently set up a GoFundMe page to raise money to repay their debts after being conned.“You’re probably here because you’ve heard about our story, and we appreciate you taking the time to search and find this page,” they wrote.“The past few days have been a whirlwind, and we three (Ayleen, Pernilla and Cecilie) have been completely shocked and floored by the flood of compassion and support from everyone.