Peter Jackson: Celebs Rumors


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Movie Review: Morbius — Dial Down Your Expectations
The filmmakers and corporations behind Sony’s Marvel Comics adaptation Morbius (★☆☆☆☆) have had ample time to consider what they’re aiming for with this big-budget film intro for living vampire, and vintage Spider-Man nemesis, Dr. Michael Morbius.Namely they should have figured out by now whether their version of the character — portrayed in astonishingly muted fashion by Oscar-winner and accent devourer Jared Leto — exists in any known Spider-Man film universe, or maybe one that’s merely Spidey-adjacent, à la Venom.After half a decade and at least seven release date delays, moviegoers and Marvel fans (not mutually exclusive) also have had ample time to try to make sense of every hint in the marketing, and every detail of speculation.But the murky, mundane origin story that director Daniel Espinosa and credited writing team Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless have come up with treats making sense more as a perk than a prerequisite, so dial down expectations accordingly.Ultimately, Morbius is a setup — a long-winded prologue to some prospective later franchise entry, teased in the two underwhelming mid-credits sequences that will prolong this experience for many who would otherwise be ready to bolt by then. Strangely enough, the movie checks out first, practically stopping on a dime following a listless showdown between super-vampire-powered Morbius and friend-turned-foe Milo, played by past and perennial Dr.