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Celebrity-loved diet linked to higher risk of heart disease death: study
celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum and Jennifer Lopez has been shockingly connected to a severely increased risk of cardiovascular death, via a newly published study.Users of the so-called 16:8 diet — in which one eats only during an eight-hour window and fasts for the other 16 hours in a day — are at an increased 91% risk of dying from heart disease compared to those who eat over 12- or 16-hour periods, South West News Service reports.“Our findings encourage a more cautious, personalized approach to dietary recommendations, ensuring they are aligned with an individual’s health status and the latest scientific evidence,” senior author Dr. Victor Wenze Zhong said in a statement.“We were surprised to find in our study that people who followed an eight-hour, time-restricted eating schedule were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease,” added Zhong, a professor and chair of the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.Those with a cardiovascular illness who ate in a window of time lasting between eight and 10 hours a day have a 66% higher risk of dying from heart disease or stroke, according to the data.Researchers analyzed the eating habits of more than 20,000 US adults — with an average age of 49 — over a median period of eight years.The research was presented Monday at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention│Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Scientific Sessions 2024 in Chicago.