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Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Flavin Agree to Dissolve Marriage in Friendly Manner
Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Flavin have agreed to a peaceful termination of their union.According to court documents obtained by ET on Thursday, both parties agreed to keep their divorce from getting contentious, out of an interest in the wellbeing of their family.«The parties agree that it is in the best interests of each of them individually, and more importantly collectively as a family, to resolve all issues attendant to the dissolution of their marriage in a dignified, amicable, and private manner out-of-court,» the document shared.In August, ET confirmed that Flavin had filed for divorce in Florida. «Upon information and belief, the Husband has engaged in the intentional dissipation, depletion and/or waste of marital assets which has had an adverse economic impact on the marital estate,» the divorce docs read. «Pursuant to Section 61.075, Florida Statues, equity dictates that the Wife be compensated and made whole by receiving an unequal distribution of the marital assets in her favor. Moreover, the Husband should be enjoined from, selling, transferring, assigning, encumbering, or dissipating any assets during the pendency of proceedings.»Flavin requested at the time that she be able to continue living in their home in Palm Beach, Florida and that Stallone not move anything from their marital assets.Stallone responded to the news in a statement to ET, saying, «I love my family.