put it up for sale in July 2024 for about $7 million more amid rumors their marriage was over.Now, insiders are pointing fingers at whose idea it was to plunk down on the property, which is still on the market.“The $68 million mansion was Ben’s idea and a major compromise for her,” a source told People on Thursday.“She agreed to it because of its spacious layout, accommodating both their families, a gym and a pickleball court, office space, plus it has two private entrances,” the source claimed, adding the “If You Had My Love” singer, 55, “loves romantic, Spanish, European vibe,” and their ultra-modern home doesn’t check those boxes.
However, a separate insider said Affleck, 52, “never liked” their house because of the location. His heart is about 7 miles west, where his kids — Violet, 18, Seraphina, 15, and Samuel, 12 — live with his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.According to the insider, the home wasn’t ideal for the “Armageddon” star and made his life harder. “His life’s in Brentwood.
His kids live there,” the source told People. “It was such a pain and time consuming for Ben to navigate traffic from their house.
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