Writer-director Kaih Roache-Turner, who’s behind projects such as Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead and Nekrotonic, has set his next project as arachnophobia horror Sting.
Cornerstone is handling worldwide sales on the project and will unveil it to buyers at the Cannes market.The title, which is produced by Jamie Hilton and Michael Pontin, follows the story of Charlotte, a rebellious 12-year-old girl obsessed with comic books who discovers a strange little spider after it falls from the sky encased in an egg.
Despite her stepfather’s best efforts to connect with her and with a new sibling in the picture, Charlotte feels isolated and bonds with spider.
She keeps it as a pet and names it Sting.But as the spider begins to grow in size, it’s appetite for blood becomes insatiable as neighbors’ pets start to go missing.
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