Scotland travelers TUI Airlines and Scotland

How to cancel or rebook flights and get refunds amid ongoing travel chaos

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With hundreds of cancellations affecting most major airlines, some travellers may want to hold off on their holiday plans. For many it may not be worthwhile to go to an airport, wait in huge queues, and then find out in the departure lounge that your flight is cancelled.

Search terms like 'cancel my flight' and 'how to cancel flight' have skyrocketed in Scotland, suggesting that many are not confident that their flight will go ahead.Here is all the information that you may need around cancellations, rebooking and refunds, for those who have had a flight axed, or are planning to ditch a holiday to avoid the chaos.Cancelling your flightWith easyJet, if you cancel within 24 hours you will receive a full refund minus the cancellation fee, which costs £49 or £55 over the phone.After that, you will not get any refund, however you could receive a fee waiver or flight voucher towards the value of a subsequent flight if you have had to cancel due to a 'serious illness or close family bereavement'.You will have to deal with exceptional circumstances through the customer services team.Rebooking your flightAccording to the website, you can make changes to your booking, allowing you to change flight dates with a Flight Change Fee as well as fare difference if there is any for your new flight.If you make the change more than 45 days before departure the fee will be £25 online or £30 through the customer services team.For those making the change 45 days or less prior to departure, the fee is bumped to £42 online or £47 on the phone.Getting a refund for a cancelled flightThe easyJet website says: "If we cancel your flight you can transfer to another available easyJet flight to the same (or a nearby) destination for free, or if you

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