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Biden Breaks Record for Most LGBTQ Judges Confirmed

report from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.Additionally, no openly transgender or nonbinary judge has ever been nominated, let alone confirmed, to the federal bench. An openly LGBTQ person has never served on nine of the 13 federal circuit courts, or on 77 of the country’s 94 federal district courts.An openly LGBTQ person has also never served as a lifetime district court judge in 39 states — or within the borders of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose jurisdiction extends to the states of Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.“Having more judges, including openly LGBTQ judges, who come from all of our communities helps to build more trust in the judiciary and brings vitally important perspectives into our justice system,” Lena Zwarensteyn, senior director of the fair courts program at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said in a statement.“As LGBTQ rights are being subject to litigation across the country, it is increasingly clear that we need judges at all levels of the judiciary who understand what’s at stake.

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Wisconsin Governor Vetoes Ban on Transgender Health Care
exceptions for intersex children or children with hormonal deficiencies, who would still be allowed to receive the exact same therapies that are prohibited for transgender children.Critics of such provisions say it exposes the hypocrisy of bills restricting gender-affirming care, in that only children identifying as transgender are targeted, while intersex children are instead “forced” to conform to a certain binary gender presentation for the comfort of larger society.Additionally, intersex children are often subjected to surgical interventions when they are just days old — which not only eliminates a patient’s ability to consent, but may increase a minor’s gender dysphoria if doctors and parents choose a gender presentation that does not match their gender identity.The ban on gender-affirming care was passed by Republicans in October, along with two other bills targeting transgender participation in high school and collegiate sports. At the time, Evers threatened to veto any measure targeting the LGBTQ community, as reported by AM news radio outlet WTMJ.“This type of legislation, and the rhetoric beget by pursuing it, harms LGBTQ people and kids’ mental health, emboldens anti-LGBTQ hate and violence, and threatens the safety and dignity of LGBTQ Wisconsinites,” Evers wrote in his veto message.
‘Napoleon’ Review: French Dip
Ridley Scott’s Napoleon marches into cinematic battle with the bluster and confidence that comes with a reported $200-million budget and Sir Ridley’s decades-deep track record of well-mounted action epics.All that money and prestige is visible onscreen in the film’s far-flung locations, hundreds of extras, delectable period costumes and decor, and, as advertised, several massively-scaled scenes of battle, on land and sea, circa 1789 to 1815.Legions of infantry and cavalry clash on various rolling hills of Europe, shot in icy, desaturated blues and grays by Dariusz Wolski, Scott’s cinematographer on his last nine films (though not his next one, Gladiator 2, being lensed by Gladiator d.p. John Mathieson).Against vast fields of green or snow-covered grasses, and CGI-enhanced masses of combatants, soldiers’ coats flash a red that’s many shades brighter than the blood that flows and bursts violently across the screen.The filmmakers spare no visual detail in depicting the bodily devastation of hand-to-hand armed combat — death by bayonet, point-blank gunfire, horse hooves, or long-range artillery.Death here is bloody, disgusting, and woefully unnecessary, but it’s also the main currency of war, and this movie revels in the loud, explosive spectacle of war far more enthusiastically than it casts its feebly critical eye at the men who clamor for it.Above all else, the film renders tribute to Napoleon Bonaparte, portrayed by Oscar-winner Joaquin Phoenix as a shrewd but coarse, fearless, petulant, glowering egomaniac who rises to imperial power fighting and winning wars.
Supreme Court Blocks Florida’s Drag Ban
U.S. District Court Judge Gregory Presnell’s injunction, which not only blocked the state from enforcing the ban against “family-friendly” drag shows at Hamburger Mary’s in Orlando, but against drag performances throughout the state.Florida authorities sought to have the scope of the judge’s injunction scaled back so that it would only apply to Hamburger Mary’s, while enabling state authorities to enforce the law.The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation has enthusiastically moved to yank the business and liquor licenses of venues that have hosted drag shows, even before the law’s passage.Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch indicated that they would have taken up the state’s appeal of the Presnell’s injunction with an eye toward allowing the state to fine or revoke the licenses of all businesses, except Hamburger Mary’s, that permit on-site drag performances.In a statement accompanying the Supreme Court’s order, Justice Brett Kavanaugh — joined by Justice Amy Coney Barrett — refused to reinstate the law, but cautioned that the court’s refusal to take up the emergency motion did not indicate the justices’ views on the law’s constitutionality, reports The Washington Post.Kavanaugh argued the state of Florida did not contest the lower court’s finding that the drag ban may violate free speech, but instead took issue with the scope of Presnell’s order.“To begin with, although Florida strongly disagrees with the District Court’s First Amendment analysis, Florida’s stay application to this Court does not raise that First Amendment issue.