The Simpsons: Celebs Rumors


“Blinky!”: ‘The Simpsons’ fans celebrate as three-eyed fish caught in Greenland

The Simpsons.The show has gained a reputation for featuring fictional events, which eventually come to fruition in real life, including the presidency of Donald Trump, Greta Gerwig’s climate change speech, and Apple Vision Pro.The latest of The Simpsons’ ‘predictions’ to have come to light is the three-eyed fish Blinky, who is featured in the 1990 episode Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish.Last week, a Reddit user posted a picture of what appears to be a fish with three eyes – one on top of its head and two on either side. The fish was reportedly caught off the coast of Greenland.Fans quickly noticed the link, and took to the comments to acknowledge The Simpson’s time-travelling reputation.

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