Patricia López Arnáiz: Celebs Rumors


From Ester Expósito Starrer ‘The Wailing’ to the Next From Albert Serra and Pilar Palomero, the Breadth of Catalan Films is Underscored at San Sebastián

John Hopewell Chief International Correspondent SAN SEBASTIAN — Is this the San Sebastián Catalan Film Festival? Always boasting a sterling presence at San Sebastián, Catalonia has a massive 27 titles this year, counting five projects in doc forum Lau Haizetara and including four of the five Spanish movies in main Competition and 10 in Made in Spain. Following a break-down of major section titles: “Afternoons of Solitude,” (Andergraun Films, Ideale Audience, LaCima Producciones) Albert Serra’s not at all obvious follow-up to Cannes competition player “Pacifiction,” a portrait of star bullfighter Andrés Roca Rey at work.

All news where Patricia López Arnáiz is mentioned