Barbara Walters: Celebs Rumors


Ellen DeGeneres Lets Herself Off the Hook in Self-Indulgent Netflix Special: TV Review

Daniel D'Addario Chief TV Critic “For Your Approval,” the new comedy special starring Ellen DeGeneres, begins with a kind of run-through of DeGeneres’ long career. We open with a shot of DeGeneres in her dressing room, smiling wistfully as she looks into the mirror and sees, overlaying herself, a projected memory of her first appearance on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show”; she smiles slightly at the recollection, then gets up to walk down the hallway toward the stage, seeing in monitors, as she walks past, clips from her 1990s sitcom, including her character’s (and her own) coming out as a lesbian.

All news where Barbara Walters is mentioned
Whoopi Goldberg opens up about ups and downs of time on The View
Whoopi Goldberg joined The View, and as the show approaches big change, she is opening up about her time on the show like never before.MORE: Whoopi Goldberg praises The View co-hosts ahead of upcoming seasonThe star had an emotional look back at her time hosting and all of its ups and downs, as the show prepares to premiere its 25th season.The host recalled the backlash she has faced, and acknowledged that though she is lucky to have the gig now, it certainly won't be that way forever.WATCH: Whoopi faces backlash for remarks on the HolocaustMORE: The View's Whoopi Goldberg makes on-air apology after accusations of 'defamatory statements'"This show has gone through 25 years of lots of different people and lots of different opinions and there's nothing like us on television in the world," she stated.Success can come at a cost though, and she said: "It's not easy, and you have to have a whole lot of skin, thick skin, because on any given day half the people on the planet hate you, and on the next day half the people really like you."Still, she maintained: "It is what it is, and you know, I'm glad to have a gig," before adding: "But I'm not gonna have it forever, eventually I'm going to watch somebody else do it and hope that they have all the things that Barbara gave me."A post shared by The View (@theviewabc)The star grew emotional thinking of her time on the showHonoring the woman behind it all, Barbara Walters, who started the program in 1997, she said: "Respect for believing in what I think, and not being afraid to say, 'Well I think this, I could be wrong, but this is how I feel,' she gave me that ability to do that in the general public."MORE: Whoopi Goldberg announces news of her children's book in exciting unboxing