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Kamala Harris Handily Wins Debate by Triggering Donald Trump

disastrous debate performance in late June.Trump cast Harris’s plans as overly simplistic, saying her economic policy was as short as “four sentences,” summarizing it as “Run, Spot, run.”What appeared to be another pre-rehearsed line was a Trump statement that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison,” combining two issues that fire up Republican-leaning voters.Trump delivered the line while trying to cast Harris as a “radical left liberal,” referencing a CNN story, dropped a day before the debate, regarding Harris’s response to a 2019 questionnaire from the American Civil Liberties Union.In the questionnaire responses, Harris reportedly affirmed her support for allowing state funds to cover health treatments deemed medically necessary for incarcerated transgender individuals and publicly supported cutting funding for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.While the two issues are separate, they have been conflated as the same issue within right-wing echo chambers.

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Ugandan Law Criminalizes People Who Identify as LGBTQ and their Allies
cracking down on homosexuality, essentially making it illegal to identify publicly as LGBTQ — or even express support for the LGBTQ community.The bill builds upon the country’s existing colonial-era laws criminalizing consensual same-sex activity, which is punishable by life imprisonment, targeting a host of free speech-related activities in order to discourage LGBTQ visibility in any form.Under the bill, individuals or institutions that support or fund LGBTQ-related groups or organizations, or publish or distribute pro-gay media or literature, can be prosecuted and imprisoned.Media groups, journalists, and publishers who similarly broadcast or distribute LGBTQ-related content that “promotes homosexuality” also face imprisonment, reports CNN. Property owners can potentially be jailed if they allow their properties to be used as a “brothel,” which is so broadly defined that it can include any gathering space where people are planning or advocating on behalf of the LGBTQ community, or where same-sex sexual activity can potentially take place — regardless of whether such acts actually occur.Cisgender allies of the LGBTQ community can be prosecuted and imprisoned for advocating or expressing support for LGBTQ rights.Friends, family members, and neighbors can also be penalized for failing to inform on individuals they know are engaged in same-sex relationships or LGBTQ advocacy — effectively creating a de facto police state where individual beliefs or free speech rights are under surveillance.The law also imposes the death penalty for those found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality,” a term referring to people who engage in homosexual conduct with another person who cannot or does not consent, or commits such acts under
DeSantis Admin Revokes Hotel Liquor License for Hosting a Drag Show
RuPaul’s Drag Race that tours throughout the country.Although the show required people under the age of 18 to be accompanied by an adult in order to attend, the DeSantis administration has sought to use its influence — including its control over the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, which oversees business licensing — to crack down on any aspect of “woke” or LGBTQ culture, including drag shows.Opposition to drag shows is largely based on the premise that they are harmful to children, because they expose youth to demonstrations of gender nonconformity or sexually-tinged content, which may inspire children to emulate that behavior in their personal lives.In an administrative complaint, the DBPR accused the Hyatt Regency Miami of several violations of law, citing a heretofore rarely-enforced prohibition on “lascivious exhibition” in front of people younger than 16.According to the department, “A Drag Queen Christmas” featured performers “wearing sexually suggesting (sic) clothing and prosthetic female genitalia,” as well as simulating masturbation.The DBPR had previously balked at the way that “A Drag Queen Christmas” was marketed as an “all ages” event when tickets were being sold, and warned the Hyatt to prohibit minors from attending the show, or risk various penalties, including the loss of their liquor license, according to the right-wing outlet Florida Voice.Organizers subsequently updated their advertising with a warning that the show contained “adult content” and was recommended only for those over 18 years of age.Because some parents are believed to have allowed their children under the age of 18 to attend the show, the DBPR is following through on its threat to revoke the hotel’s liquor license.
Club Q Plans to Renovate and Reopen in Fall 2023
five people were killed and dozens injured in a mass shooting last November, has announced plans to reopen in the fall of 2023. Prior to its reopening, the club will build a permanent memorial on its site, honoring the five victims of the shooting — Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh, and Derrick Rump — and install enhanced security measures, such as new screening technology and a “hardened space.”In architecture parlance, a “hardened space” could potentially include armed checkpoints, safe rooms, or structures and features, such as additional doors or automatic locks, that would make it harder for a person to gain entry to the club.More information on what those enhanced security measures will entail will be released in the coming weeks, in the hope that other LGBTQ venues may follow Club Q’s lead by also installing such measures.To carry out and install the additional security features, as well as design the memorial, Club Q has partnered with HB&A, a Colorado Springs-based, women-owned architecture and planning firm.The club’s owners hope to gut the club’s interior in April 2023, later rebuilding it in time to open for the fall. The club’s management team has also hired two survivors of the shooting as staff and plan to add at least one new staff role in the next month.Those new hires will serve as administrators, helping management with rebuilding efforts, community relations, and other projects needed to ensure the club can reopen on schedule.In November, Club Q management supported the Colorado Healing Fund and the Compassion Fund as two ways to raise funds to support victims — defined as those injured in the shooting, patrons who were inside the club at the time of the shooting, or
‘Magic Mike’s Last Dance’ Review: Last Gasp
The world of Magic Mike movies moves fast and changes constantly. An unfettered life for Channing Tatum’s tender-hearted hunk of a stripper-promoter-construction worker-furniture designer-entrepreneur has meant a shifting stream of old and new friends, new loves, and new towns as he rides his “Pony” from film to film, starting with the 2012 hit Magic Mike and ending, presumably, with Magic Mike’s Last Dance (★★ ☆ ☆ ☆).The original — a good-vibes backstage melodrama directed by Steven Soderbergh, who also directed Last Dance — introduced enterprising exotic dancer Mike Lane (Tatum), his crew of dance-challenged stripper buddies, and his journey as a hardbodied, hard-working Florida lug who’s just looking for his shot.Produced for well under ten million dollars, the film went on to gross nearly $170 million worldwide, and of course begat a sequel, the 2015 road movie Magic Mike XXL, which was considerably less successful both at the box office and as a compelling story.That breezily entertaining follow-up, directed by Gregory Jacobs, showed the Magic Mike train already wobbling on its rails, burying the erotic appeal of hot guys stripping under a heap of treacly, trendy, self-help speak about making women feel like queens.Seemingly, the studio’s market research had divined Mike’s true purpose, not as a sexy single stud but as a fantasy boyfriend, who would patiently listen to his lady pour out her feelings, before flipping her onto a table and pounding her to ecstasy.